[Sep 21st 2018] MISSHA ITALprism Shadow

Rising Beauty Keyword on September 21st 2018 in Korea

"MISSHA ITALprism Shadow"

▲ MISSHA - ITALprism Modern Shadow

On Sep 20th, MISSHA's Italy-made ITALprism shadow was ranked #17 on Color Makeup category as the most searched keyword.
Clicks on the keyword started rising on Sep 14th and peaked on Sep 20th.

▲ Ranked #17 on Color Makeup category on NAVER

▲ Click trend: Spiked on Sep 14th and peaked on 20th

The searches and clicks were generated by discount promotion.
The ITALprism Shadow, made in Italy by Intercos, has been one of the best sellers of MISSHA since its launch in Oct 2016.
As a part of MISSHA's monthly big sale in September 2018, MISSHA sold the shade at KRW 5,900, which is 54% off from its normal price KRW 12,800, from Sep 14th to Sep 20th.

▲ ITALprism Big Sale Promotion

MISSHA is known for its good quality yet affordable price range and this concept may have generated some negative reviews on the KRW 12,800 shadows, a relatively higher price yet its great quality.
This surprising discount promotion has made much of attention as MISSHA did not run this such a big discount before.
Many of questions, shade recommendations, and reviews have been generated on online communities and purchase reviews and haul have been generated on Instagram.

▲ Search result for MISSHA ITALprism Shadow on NAVER cafe

▲ Requests for shade recommendation on beauty online communities

▲ Purchase haul on Instagram


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