[Aug 24th 2018] Innisfree Vivid Cotton Ink

Rising Beauty Keyword on August 24th 2018 in Korea

"Innisfree Vivid Cotton Ink"

▲ Innisfree - Vivid Cotton Ink (Lip Tint)

On Aug 23rd, Innisfree Vivid Cotton Ink was ranked #6 on Color Makeup category and #47 on the entire Beauty/Cosmetics category as the most searched keyword.

The keyword spiked during its monthly discount promotion period and it rose again on Aug 23rd.

▲ Ranked #6 on Color Makeup on Aug 23rd

▲ Click trend: Spiked on 14th during promotion and again on 23rd

This search spike was generated by a tweet on Aug 22nd.
A twitterian mentioned Innisfree Vivid Cotton Ink to recommend it on twitter.
The user was not a specific beauty-focused twiterrian, however, it has over 3K followers and the tweet was retweeted over 5K times.

▲ Tweet recommending Innisfree Vivid Cotton Ink

Vivid Cotton Ink lip tint has been loved widely with its lightweight and comfortable texture. 
Innisfree launched 5 new shades of Vivid Cotton Ink lip tint called "Autumn Maple Collection" for the upcoming new season.
They released a picture of their ambassador Yoona's gorgeous makeup look as well and it has been gaining very positive responses.
▲ Full range of Innisfree Vivid Cotton Ink

▲ Yoona's Makeup Look

▲ Applicator's Tip of Vivid Cotton Ink


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