[Aug 2nd 2018] PAEON 파에온

Rising Beauty Keyword on August 2nd 2018 in Korea

"PAEON 파에온"

▲ PAEON Bubble Deep Cleanser

On Aug 1st, a cosmeceutical skin care brand "PAEON 파에온" was ranked #11 on Cleansing category.
Clicks on the keyword was quite limited before but it spiked on Aug 1st as well.

▲ Ranked #11 on Cleansing category on Aug 1st

▲ Click trend of Paeon: Spiked suddenly on Aug 1st

PAEON was introduce as "Top 5 Popular Pore Care Items" on NAVER Fashion/Beauty main page through a post.
The writer introduced PAEON Bubble Deep Cleanser (official page link) and recommended it for its excellent capability of removing blackhead and excessive sebum.
This post was written on July 30th and was featured on NAVER main page on Aug 1st: then it recorded over 44K views.

▲ The post featured on NAVER Fashion/Beauty Main Page on Aug 1st

On the post, many threads said that the PAEON Bubble Deep Cleanser looks interesting and happy with the post itself.

▲ Threads on the post: Interested in the cleanser


Other than the cleanser, reviews of PAEON's shampoo and Moisturizing Cream have been uploaded on blogs and Instagram since a week ago.
Searching keywords are mostly the brand name "PAEON", which may be understood that customers are quite new to the brand but interested so they like to search the brand directly to get to know better.

▲ "PAEON" search result on NAVER (only for blogs)

▲ PAEON bubble deep cleanser review on Instagram


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