[Aug 30th 2018] SWANICOCO Tint

Rising Beauty Keyword on August 30th 2018 in Korea

"SWANICOCO Tint 스와니코코 틴트"

▲ SWANICOCO - Aqua Lip Tattoo Swan Tint

On Aug 29th, SWANICOCO Tint was ranked #3 on Color Makeup category as the most searched keyword.
Clicks on the term started rising since Aug 24th.

▲ #3 most searched keyword on Color Makeup category on Aug 29th

▲ Click trend: Little spike on Aug 24th and peaked on Aug 29th

On Aug 24th, Swanicoco's Aqua Lip Tattoo Swan Tint was selected as the best Beauty-Life-Balance (뷰라벨) item of Orange Shade Lip Tint through a TV show Get It Beauty 2018.
Total 100 lip tint products were covered through the award: items were divided by 2 textures (matte & glossy) and tested by a panel.
Swanicoco lip tint won the title for its reasonable price (around US$ 7), non-sticky yet glossy texture, and hypoallergenic natural ingredients.
The item's official title is "Show The Lips Real Color Tint".

▲ Swanicoco Lip Tint as the winner of Get It Beauty 2018 - Beauty-Life-Balance (뷰라벨) award

After the show, many related keywords were generated online like "Swanicoco Tint", "Get It Beauty Tint".

▲ Search result of "Swanicoco": Get It Beauty related keywords shown

Swanicoco Lip Tint is the 3rd Beauty-Life-Balance item of Swanicoco following by Burger Cushion and Eye Cream
Swanicoco has become the first brand that has "triple crown" on Beauty-Life-Balance award.
The news has been going viral digitally through not only on Swanicoco's website but through many other online communities, blogs, and social media.

▲ Search result of Swanicoco on NAVER: Triple Crown of Beauty-Life-Balance announced

▲ Buzz generated through online communities

Swanicoco also tries to announce the news by highlighting 3 Beauty-Life-Balance winning items on its website.


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