[Aug 8th 2018] Artemisia Essence 인진쑥 에센스

Rising Beauty Keyword on August 8th 2018 in Korea


▲ VELY VELY - Artemisia Balance Essence

On August 7th, Artemisia Essence 인진쑥 에센스 was ranked #14 as the most searched keyword on Skin Care category.
Clicks to the keyword spikes on August 6th.

▲ Ranked #14 on Skin Care category on Aug 7th

▲ Click trend of Artemisia Essence: Spiked on Aug 6th

Artemisia Balance Essence is a skin care item of the brand VELY VELY run by a digital influencer "Imvely".
Recently Imvely released a post regarding Artemisia Balance Essence on her Instagram.
Before the post, on Aug 5th, Artemisia Balance Essence was placed on the best sellers section of an online duty free shop (The Shilla Duty Free Shop) and Imvely mentioned it on her Instagram too.

▲ #1 most searched keyword on The Shilla Duty Free Shop online

▲ #4 best seller on The Shilla Duty Free Shop online

Imvely also posted of other reviews on Artemisia Balancing Essence and many likes followed the posts too.

▲ Imvely sharing customer's review

▲ Imvely sharing customer's review 2


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