[Aug 9th 2018] Black Out Whitening Cream 블랙아웃 미백크림

Rising Beauty Keyword on August 9th 2018 in Korea

"Black Out Whitening Cream 블랙아웃 미백크림"

▲ Beauty Young - Black Out Perfect Eco Whitening Body & Face Cream

On Aug 8th, Black Out Whitening Cream was ranked #15 on Skin Care category.
There have been ups & downs on click trend as but it peaked on Aug 8th as well.
Black Out Whitening Cream is a best selling product of a brand "Beauty Young" that performs a lot of product placement marketing on TV shows and sponsoring marketing through celebrities & influencers.

▲ #15 Most searched keyword on Skin Care category on Aug 8th

▲ Click trend of Black Out Whitening Cream: Rose since Aug 1st and peaked on Aug 9th

On Aug 1st, a pregnant actress Ham So-Won used Black Out Whitening Cream to cover her wrinkles and melasma on a TV Chosun's show "Wife's Taste 아내의 맛".
The cream then got a pet name called "Ham So-Won Cream" after the show.

▲ Clip of "Wife's Taste": Ham So-Won concerning her wrinkles & melasma

▲ Ham So-Won using Black Out Whitening Cream with her husband

After the show there have been getting more posts mentioning Black Out Whitening Cream among many online beauty communities.
People thought that it was only a marketing scheme but still they wanted to know better about the product and left many questions for reviews.

▲ Search result for Black Out Whitening Cream on NAVER Cafe

Also many bloggers mentioned Black Out Whitening Cream online and posted reviews.
On Aug 8th, over 10 blog posts were uploaded to review the cream.
Fun fact is that it was not mentioned much through most of social media for millennials like Instagram or Facebook, it went viral through relatively older media like blogs and communities (online cafe).

▲ Search result for Black Out Whitening Cream on NAVER Blog

The item was ranked #1 item on Hwahae app's Body & Etc. category and ranked #1 on 11st (e-marketplace) Brightening Cream category too.
This ranks helped boost its buzz online with rising clicks and searches.

▲ Hwahae App's Body & Etc. category rank on Aug 8th

▲ 11st Brightening Cream category rank on Aug 8th


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