[Sep 11th 2018] SENKA Perfect Whip

Rising Beauty Keyword on September 11th 2018 in Korea

"SENKA Perfect Whip"

▲ SENKA - Perfect Whip Facial Wash

On Sep 10th, SENKA Perfect Whip was ranked #1 on Cleansing category as the most searched keyword.
Similar related keywords such as Perfect Whip and Senka were ranked #3 and #10 respectively.
SENKA Perfect Whip Facial Wash is well-known popular best selling product in Korean H&B market and it is a must-buy item for those who visit Japan.

▲ Ranked #1 on Cleansing category

▲Click Trend: Spiked on Sep 10th suddenly

The sudden spike was generated by its one-day sale promotion.
On Sep 10th, SENKA's official online shops sold  Perfect Whip Cleansing Wash 3EA kit at KRW 16,500 (around USD 14.65) which is 38% off with free shipping.
They also run NAVER store as well, which generated much of exposure and buzz.

▲ SENKA's One Day Sale promotion

The news of the sale promotion spread out through NAVER Cafe (online community service provided by NAVER).
Many of posts including the sale promotion information and purchasing page link were generated through many other cafes - mainly beauty / shopping / baby care related communities.
The promotion information was posted on Powder Room, the biggest beauty community on NAVER, and the writer said that this is the time to stock Senka Perfect Whip.

▲ Many posts regarding the Senka Perfect Whip sale promotion on NAVER Cafes


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