[Sep 18th 2018] CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion

Rising Beauty Keyword on Sep 18th 2018 in Korea

"CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion"

▲ CNP Laboratory - Propolis Ampoule Cushion

On Sep 17th, CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion was ranked #10 on Base Makeup category as the most searched keywrod.
Clicks on the keyword had been fluctuated and spiked on Sep 17th.

▲ CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion ranked #10 on Base Makeup

▲ Click trend: spiked on Sep 17 after fluctuation

Earlier in July 2018, Onstyle show Get It Beauty 2018 selected Cushion Pact Beauty-Life-Balance items.
They selected the top 2 items for each of 3 features: Moisturizing, Long-lasting, and Sebum Controling.
CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion was selected as the #2 item for Moisturizing.
One of the panels Park Jung-In (Journalist) introduced it as her favorite cushion pact for winter and mentioned it was very dewy and had high coverage as well.

▲ Get It Beauty 2018 ep.23

The high search and clicks on Sep 17 were generated by a sale promotion run by Olive Young.
Olive Young runs "Today's Deal" event for 6 different items during its sale promotion.

▲ Olive Young's promotion even banner

CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion was selected as the Today's Deal item on Sep 17 with 30% discount which generated a lot more searches and clicks on the item. 

▲ CNP Propolis Ampoule Cushion selected for the Today's Deal on Sep 17th.


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