[Sep 3rd 2018] Goodal Green Tangerine Vita C Serum

Rising Beauty Keyword on September 3rd 2018 in Korea

"Goodal - Green Tangerine Vita C Serum 구달 청귤비타C세럼"

▲ Goodal - Green Tangerine Vita C Dark Spot Serum
On Sep 2nd, Goodal Green Tangerine Vita C Serum was ranked #5 on Skin Care category and #51 on the entire Beauty/Cosmetics category as the most searched keyword.
Clicks on the keyword have shown ups and downs but it spiked on Sep 1st and 2nd highly.

▲ Ranked #5 on Skin Care category on Sep 2nd

▲ Click trend: It has gained many clicks since Feb 2018 but peaked on Sep 2nd

A Korean actress Kim Seul-Gi has posted a picture on her official Instagram.
As an ambassador of Goodal's campaign, she posted a picture with the Green Tangerine Vita C Dark Spot Serum.
She mentioned that she had used it for 2 weeks and check her skin to compare before & after.
▲ Kim Seul-Gi's Instagram post with Goodal Green Tangerine Vita C Serum

Earlier this year in March, beauty vloggers "Employee A (회사원A)" and "YoonCharmi (윤쨔미)"  also posted videos to compare before & after using Goodal Green Tangerine Vita C Serum as a collaborative campaign.
They used the item for 2 weeks and showed clear difference by comparing the skin condition tested by a skin analyzing device.
Although it was an online commercial video, subscribers showed a positive reaction and feedback.
▲ Employee A - Removing blemishes without vising a dermatologist

▲ YoonCharmi - Getting younger while making this video for the past 2 weeks


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