[Sep 6th 2018] Maybelline Eyeliner

Rising Beauty Keyword on September 6th 2018 in Korea


▲ MAYBELLINE NEW YORK - Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner

On Sep 5th, Maybelline Eyeliner was ranked #13 on the Color Makeup category as the most searched keyword.
Clicks on the keyword started rising on Aug 31st and peaked on Sep 4th.

▲ Ranked #13 as the most searched keyword on Color Makeup category on Sep 5th

▲ Click Trend: Started spiking on Aug 31st and peaked on Sep 4th

On Aug 31st, Maybelline New York's Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner won the "Beauty-Life-Balance: Eyeliner" award by Get It Beauty 2018 aired on Onstyle channel.
Get It Beauty select top 5 eyeliners in terms of long-lasting and cost-effective features among over 100 eyeliners regardless of its texture (Gel, Pencil, Liquid, etc.).
They verify every eyeliner by checking use of artificial dyes, flavoring agents, long-lasting after application, etc.
After the verification, Maybelline Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner was selected #1 eyeliner with its smooth texture, clear shade, and smudge-proof function.

▲ Ranked #1 on Beauty-Life-Balance: Eyeliner by Get It Beauty 2018

After the show, many of Get It Beauty related keywords were found online as related keywords of Maybelline Eyeliner like "Get It Beauty Eyeliner", "Beauty Life Balance Eyeliner", "Rank of Get It Beauty Eyeliner", etc.

Also various posts on blogs and online communities have been generated which help Maybelline eyeliner go viral online very quickly.
There are getting more comments about its reasonable price and reviews.


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